EWG-DSS Newsletter 2019-20

Dear EWG-DSS Members!
Dear EWGs Friends!

The past year has been both fruitful and challenging for many of us across the world. It is our pleasure to share with you the recent news from the EWG-DSS community, by looking back some of the key achievements we have succeeded despite all the unforeseen challenges.

Year 2020 did not go exactly the way as we would have wished for. Covid-19 has brought significant difficulties to many of us, both in work and in personal life. We would like to send our sincere regards to all those whose families have been affected severely by the terrible pandemic. We wish you and your loved ones come out of the other side of the pandemic stronger and better.

Please find complete Newsletter on the following link.

Most of the Newsletters pdf files can be viewed and downloaded in the EWG-DSS SlideShare Account.

Best regards,


About ewgdss

The EWG-DSS is a Working Group on Decision Support Systems within EURO, the Association of the European Operational Research Societies. The main purpose of the EWG-DSS is to establish a platform for encouraging state-of-the-art high quality research and collaboration work within the DSS community. Other aims of the EWG-DSS are to: - Encourage the exchange of information among practitioners, end-users, and researchers in the area of Decision Systems. - Enforce the networking among the DSS communities available and facilitate activities that are essential for the start-up of international cooperation research and projects. - Facilitate professional academic and industrial opportunities for its members. - Favour the development of innovative models, methods and tools in the field Decision Support and related areas. - Actively promote the interest on Decision Systems in the scientific community by organizing dedicated workshops, seminars, mini-conferences and conference streams in major conferences, as well as editing special and contributed issues in relevant scientific journals.
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